About Involve Me

About Involve Me

Equal Access

Involve Me is a bespoke solution produced in response to a challenge; how to provide equal access to information in real time with a solution that is affordable.

Many people benefit from live access to notes – and to copies of summary notes sent to them at the end of a meeting. For instance, people who experience dyslexia, autism, low vision, fatigue, or difficulties with mobility and dexterity.

Some may request note taking because they are deaf and might miss some of what is said. This could be because of the limits of their hearing aids, or because they find it difficult to take notes while lip reading, or watching a sign language interpreter.



Previously relying on handwritten pages which are inaccessible, individuals now benefit from having instant electronic notes. With the Involve Me note taking interface everyone can become a part of the discussion and get involved.

There are two types of Involve Me users - note takers and viewers.

Note takers are often employed in colleges, universities and in the workplace. You might have seen them working at large conferences, where typed notes are projected onto a screen.

The viewer may be a student, employee or visitor. Viewers are people who want to see notes of what is being said in real time, written by a note taker. This is because they experience a barrier to either understanding what is being said, or in physically taking notes.